the way we work & learn has changed forever
Our most-loved and top-rated training programmes are now available online! You will have the chance to:
Learn about the latest technology tools to excel in your role
Pioneer the latest tools and APPS for remote team collaboration in your company
Have a new perspective on your career development based on Coaching and Mastermind Methods
Experience 10 hours or tailored training with an experienced trainer
Collaborate and have workshops with Senior Assistants from all over the globe
Interested? Below you can find more detailed information about the courses being offered. Feel free to explore!
Master the latest technological applications to improve your performance and transform the way you work.
evolution of the EA
Course languages: ENG./ESP.
• Tackle the challenges of hybrid work better with the latest technology and APPS, making you a more Tech Savvy Assistant
• Become a change agent within your company by introducing remote collaboration tools
• Improve your confidence, assertiveness and ensure steady career growth while being hands-on with your personal progress
• Become a Strategic Business Partner for your Executive
Maximise Your professional and personal potential with the latest performance enhancement techniques, used by Executives around the world.
Course language: ENG.
With an endless pool of global talent that can work virtually, which rose during the pandemic, and an ever-growing search for meaning in every area of our lives, this course was born.
The CEO´s Secret Weapon course is NOT for those Assistants who stay in their role just for a pay-check or simply having landed the role and are not striving to excel in what they do.
The 2 day immersive programme provides an opportunity to:
Dig deeper into Your core values and limiting beliefs in a Group Coaching Session & learn how You can grow 10x faster;
Explore The MasterMind Method that will help You find new ways to boost Your position, gain additional seniority and get a pay rise;
Explore the DiSC method, become a super-star communicator & master negotiator;
Understand the Global Skills Matrix, get laser clear vision on Assistant career progression and establish a solid path to getting there;
Gain an Accountability Partner to ensure your growth continues even when the course is over.