Assistants Community


Do you ever feel lonely in your role?

Have You noticed that in company organisational charts, Assistants are left out most of the time?

They are not part of any department or team, yet on a daily basis they deal with top confidential information, super stressful situations, whilst having to be social and tech-savvy at the same time.

One of the most common take-aways from the trainings we hear is ¨Finally! I always thought I´m the only one who is dealing with these problems! What a relief that ALL Assistants face similar challenges! It´s so great I have a community to work through them and to receive valuable advice!¨

So we invite you to join our EA Nordics Community. Regardless of whether You have participated in one of our training sessions or not - JOIN.

There is no fee for becoming part of the tribe. We believe connecting and help should always be free!

Join us on our social media and stay tuned for updates on our next Assistants Networking event!