Do You feel stuck?

Assistants are there for others. Every day. From dusk to dawn. Often while supporting everyone around them, Assistants forget to take care of themselves. Sometimes to the degree of when it´s almost too late.

That is where coaching can help. It´s an amazing tool that can help you maximise your personal and profesional potential.

EA Nordics founder Ruta Cinkaite is an ICF Certified Coach and has worked with over 250 Assistants during the last 5 years.

SO If you catch Yourself BEING:

  • Overwhelmed or ¨stuck¨

  • Wanting to pursue a career advancement in Your Assistant career

  • Looking to grow professionally

  • Desiring to feel more confident and get the seat at the table

  • In uncertainty and what moves to make next

  • Longing to become your best-self

Or if You find Yourself somewhere in between - book a free-of-charge, no obligation discovery session, to see if coaching is the tool that can help you tackle the challenges.